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Proficency 4: Teacher Disposition

Image-based Literacy Instruction Article:

  • Foundations of ESL - EDU 3320

  • Fall 2014


While the sunniness of a teacher’s smile and the cheer in their greeting is often the only disposition students normally care about, a teacher’s attitude toward continuing to be a life-long learner has a more profound influence than a friendly disposition. It is important for a teacher to model a healthy attitude toward education for their students.  This article reflection demonstrates my ability and willingness to continue to improve my understanding of the challenges facing the students in the classroom and find effective, research-based, methods for improving both instructional effectiveness and the learning environment.

Educational Technology Resources:

  • Educational Technology - EDU 3323

  • Fall 2013


There are other examples of the work I completed for Educational Technology that are far more visually compelling than a simple list. However, I opted to select this document to represent the ways in which I have embraced the multitude of teaching technical tools I have encountered while at Concordia University. The items on this list are broken down by the week in which they were introduced. This list of educational resources has been tremendously helpful whenever I have had a lesson plan or project that needed a bit of technological flair. I have no doubt it will continue to prove invaluable once I have my own classroom.

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